Program Counter Increment
  • Always wraps within the bank, at any point in the opcode.
Absolute -- a
  • Word reads in native mode will carry into the next bank.
Absolute Indexed X -- a,X
  • Adding X may carry into the next bank.
  • Word reads in native mode will carry into the next bank.
Absolute Indexed Y -- a,Y
  • Adding Y may carry into the next bank.
  • Word reads in native mode will carry into the next bank.
Absolute Indirect -- (a)
  • The "JMP ($xxFF)" bug is fixed.
  • There's no way to test address load wrapping behavior, since it uses Bank 0 as the base and $01:0000-1 is a mirror of $00:0000-1.
  • To be clear: the actual JMP will go to the loaded offset in the current PB, not Bank 0.
Absolute Indexed Indirect -- (a,X)
  • Adding X will wrap within the current bank.
  • Address load wraps within the bank (remember, this loads the target address from PB:a+X, not 00:a like (a) or DB:a+X like (a,X).
Absolute Long -- l
  • Word reads in native mode will carry into the next bank.
Absolute Long Indexed X -- l,X
  • Adding X may carry into the next bank.
  • Word reads in native mode will carry into the next bank.
Direct -- d
  • Word reads in native mode will always carry across pages. Theoretically, word reads in emulation mode will wrap within the page when DL=0, and carry when DL!=0.
Direct Indirect -- (d)
  • Address load: see 'Direct' above.
  • Data load: Word reads in native mode will carry across pages and banks.
Direct Indirect Long -- [d]
  • Address load: Always carries across pages.
  • Data load: Word reads in native mode will carry across pages and banks.
Direct Indirect Indexed -- (d),Y
  • Address load: see 'Direct Indirect' above.
  • When Y is added to the indirect address, it will always carry across banks.
  • Data load: Word reads in native mode will carry across pages and banks.
Direct Indirect Indexed Long -- [d],Y
  • Address load: see 'Direct Indirect Long' above.
  • When Y is added to the indirect address, it will always carry across banks.
  • Data load: Word reads in native mode will carry across pages and banks.
Direct Indexed X -- d,X
  • In native mode, always carry across pages.
  • In emulation mode, wrap within page if DL=0, otherwise carry.
  • Word reads in native mode will always carry across pages. Theoretically word reads in emulation mode will wrap within the page when DL=0, and carry when DL!=0.
  • Reads will NOT carry across banks! e.g. D=$8001, d=1, X=fffe => $00:8000, not $01:8000.
Direct Indexed Y -- d,Y
  • Same as Direct Indexed X
Direct Indexed Indirect -- (d,X)
  • For address load, see 'Direct Indexed X' above.
  • Data load: Word reads in native mode will carry across pages and banks.
PC Relative -- r
  • XXX: untested
PC Relative Long -- rl
  • XXX: untested
Stack Relative - d,S
  • The address always carries across page boundaries. Yes, this means it can exit the emulation mode stack page.
Stack Relative Indirect Indexed -- (d,S),Y
  • Address load: see 'Stack Relative' above.
  • When Y is added to the indirect address, it will always carry across banks.
  • Data load: Word reads in native mode will carry across pages and banks.
Block Move
  • Note that when E=1, X and Y are limited to 8 bits, so everything stays in $00xx.
Stack Ops
  • When E=1, SH is always 1 and so the stack will normally remain within $01xx.
  • According to the datasheet, the following will somehow access outside $01xx even in emulation mode: JSL; JSR (a,X); PEA; PEI; PER; PHD; PLD; RTL; d,S; (d,S),Y. This is confirmed for PEA; PLD; d,S; and (d,S),Y.
  • If S=0100, PEA will overwrite $0100 and $00ff, and S will end up being 01FE. $01FF will be unchanged. Obviously, a pull here will not read the data you just PEAed.
  • Similarly, a PLD at S=01FF will read D from $200, not $100 (OTOH a PLY will read Y from $100 as expected).

By Anomie (