SNES Development Hardware / Software
Psygnosis PSY-Q Development System for SuperNES
To enter a diagnostics mode, hold the Left Trigger + Right Trigger + Start + Select and a diagnostics screen will appear.
The cart PCB has the following labels:
- SNES Cart v1.2
- (C) SN Systems 1993
- A 94V-0 9426
And has the following labeled chips:
- ©NCR 53C80-40 / CP05176 / 609-3400389 / 9309K (NCR Microelectronics Division - SCSI Adaptor)
- Hyundai / HY62256ALP-70 / 9341TC / KOREA (SRAM)
- "EEPROM" / AK / PGM-12.5V / B9318 / NMC27C64Q / 150 (Firmware v1.03)
- PALCE20V8H-12PC/4 / 304G3ZD H
- PALCE 16V8H-15 / PC/4 411F141 K (2 of them)
- 42A-5125 / 9420 (Active Delay Line - TTL)
- ST M74HCT158B1 / 99248R (Quad 2 Channel Multiplexer Inv., 2 of them)
- Toshiba / TC514800AZ-70 / Japan 9401HBK (DRAM, 8 of them)
- T74LS367AB1 / W993A9331 / Malaysia (3-State Hex Buffers)
- T74LS245B1 / W995M9335 / Malaysia (Octal Bus Transceiver)
- TL49 / APEM / K3 (Next to LEDs)
DIP Switch Positions:
1: Off
2: Off
3: Off
4: Off
5: On
6: On
7: On
8: On