Mega Man X3

Decompression Routine

People always assume "OMG MMX3! this game uses a C4 chip, the C4 chip does the decompression blah blah blah" well I proved them WRONG! C4 chip is ONLY responsible for OpenGL-like functions; like rotation etc, maybe 3D stuff too but I haven't even played the game past the title screen. The graphics are all there, compressed in a weird format.

For those who just want the algorithm, read C code and the bit above that for the location of those graphics pointers.

For those who wants to see a "roughly-commented" version of the ASM, scroll down.

All addresses are for non-headered ROMs.

0x37732 to 0x37B83

  • Graphics Pointers, there's 221 of them (followed by many 0xFFs), 5 bytes long.
  • First 3 bytes are 3 byte pointers.
  • Last 2 values are the length.

C Code Example

It works, I've tried it, addresses used are for the title screen graphics.

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned char readBuf[0x2800];
unsigned char writeBuf[0x8000];
unsigned int length = 0x2600;

void decompress(){
    unsigned int i = 0, j = 0;
    unsigned char codeByte = readBuf[i];
    unsigned int codeByteBitTest = 7;
    unsigned int count = 0;
    while(count < length){
        if((codeByte & (1 << codeByteBitTest))  != 0){
            // Read Length
            unsigned char nextByte = readBuf[i];
            unsigned int len = nextByte / 4;
            unsigned int start_pos;
            unsigned int k, oldJ;
            count += len;
            start_pos = (nextByte & 3) * 256 + readBuf[i];
            // Copy Bytes
            oldJ = j;
            for(k = 0; len != 0; k++){
                writeBuf[j] = writeBuf[(oldJ - start_pos) + k];
            // Read One Byte
            writeBuf[j] = readBuf[i];
        if(codeByteBitTest == 0){
            codeByte = readBuf[i];
            codeByteBitTest = 8;

int main(){
    FILE* fp = fopen("Mega Man X 3 (U).sfc", "rb");
    FILE* wp = fopen("gfx_out.bin", "wb");
    fseek(fp, 0xE84B3, 0);
    fread(readBuf, sizeof(unsigned char), 0xA00, fp);
    fwrite(writeBuf, sizeof(unsigned char), 0x2000, wp);
    return 0;

Raw Decompression Code

$F6 - 3 byte pointer (uses Y register for the low addresses, only bank value in $F8)
$F9 - buffer write pointer value - 7Fxxxx 
$FB - 2 bytes length
$FD - first code byte
$FE - "which bit is being tested" value
      08 = x--- ----
      07 = -x-- ---- ...etc

$00/B74A BD 32 F7    LDA $F732,x[$06:F77D] ; load low byte of the ptr (--:xxxx)
$00/B74D A8          TAY                   
$00/B74E BD 33 F7    LDA $F733,x[$06:F77E] ; load high byte of the ptr (xx:----)
$00/B751 85 F7       STA $F7    [$00:00F7] 
$00/B753 64 F6       STZ $F6    [$00:00F6] ; store 0 to the low bytes, using y as low byte.
$00/B755 BD 35 F7    LDA $F735,x[$06:F780] ; load length of this gfx block
$00/B758 85 FB       STA $FB    [$00:00FB] ; store length
$00/B75A 8B          PHB                   
$00/B75B A6 F9       LDX $F9    [$00:00F9] ; load buffer write value
$00/B75D F4 06 7F    PEA $7F06  [$06:7F06] ; pushes 06 7F
$00/B760 AB          PLB                   ; change data bank to $06 (last value in the last push)
$00/B761 08          PHP                   
$00/B762 20 87 81    JSR $8187  [$00:8187] ; this routine does something to the stack... change bank perhaps?

$00/B765 28          PLP                   
$00/B766 AB          PLB                   
$00/B767 E2 20       SEP #$20              
$00/B769 A9 08       LDA #$08              
$00/B76B 85 FE       STA $FE    [$00:00FE] ; store new bit-test value
$00/B76D B7 F6       LDA [$F6],y[$1C:9CA4] ; take first byte (control byte/code byte/whatever)
$00/B76F 85 FD       STA $FD    [$00:00FD] ; 
$00/B771 C8          INY                   ; increase address
$00/B772 D0 05       BNE $05    [$B779]    ; if address is 0, switch to next bank

$00/B774 A0 00 80    LDY #$8000            ; "switch to next bank code"
$00/B777 E6 F8       INC $F8    [$00:00F8] 

; Bit-test control byte code.
$00/B779 06 FD       ASL $FD    [$00:00FD] ; if bit x of $FE (see above) on control byte is a 0 then jump
$00/B77B 90 6C       BCC $6C    [$B7E9]    ; 

; case 1 on the code byte.
$00/B77D B7 F6       LDA [$F6],y[$1C:9CA6] ; load next byte
$00/B77F 4A          LSR A                 ; 
$00/B780 4A          LSR A                 ; 
$00/B781 85 00       STA $00    [$00:0000] ; make the top 6 bits as the counter.
$00/B783 85 04       STA $04    [$00:0004] ; store extra copy of counter.
$00/B785 B7 F6       LDA [$F6],y[$1C:9CA6] ; load same byte as before
$00/B787 29 03       AND #$03              ; take bottom 2 bits 0000 00xx
$00/B789 85 03       STA $03    [$00:0003] ; save as the upper byte of "write buffer relative start position to the current position"
$00/B78B C8          INY                   ; increase address
$00/B78C D0 05       BNE $05    [$B793]    ; if address is 0, switch to next bank

$00/B78E A0 00 80    LDY #$8000            ; "switch to next bank code"
$00/B791 E6 F8       INC $F8    [$00:00F8] 

$00/B793 B7 F6       LDA [$F6],y[$1C:9CA7] ; load next byte 
$00/B795 85 02       STA $02    [$00:0002] ; save as the lower byte of "write buffer relative start position to the current position"
$00/B797 C8          INY                   ; increase address
$00/B798 D0 05       BNE $05    [$B79F]    ; if address is 0, switch to next bank 
                                              (not even going to include code argh)

$00/B79F 5A          PHY                   ; save read buffer pos
$00/B7A0 C2 20       REP #$20              
$00/B7A2 8A          TXA                   ; take write buffer pos to A
$00/B7A3 38          SEC                   
$00/B7A4 E5 02       SBC $02    [$00:0002] ; subtract with $02
$00/B7A6 A8          TAY                   ; move it to the Y for now
$00/B7A7 E2 20       SEP #$20              

$00/B7A9 B9 00 00    LDA $0000,y[$7F:0000] ; load byte at Y
$00/B7AC 9D 00 00    STA $0000,x[$7F:0001] ; write
$00/B7AF E8          INX                   ; move onto the next reading byte from read buffer
$00/B7B0 C8          INY                   ; move onto the next reading byte from write buffer
$00/B7B1 C6 00       DEC $00    [$00:0000] ; decrease count
$00/B7B3 D0 F4       BNE $F4    [$B7A9]    ; loop

$00/B7B5 7A          PLY                   ; return y to the rom address read buffer.
$00/B7B6 64 05       STZ $05    [$00:0005] ; 0 to $05
$00/B7B8 C2 20       REP #$20              
$00/B7BA A5 FB       LDA $FB    [$00:00FB] ; load count
$00/B7BC 38          SEC                   
$00/B7BD E5 04       SBC $04    [$00:0004] ; subtract the counter from count (you've just read that many bytes)
$00/B7BF 85 FB       STA $FB    [$00:00FB] 
$00/B7C1 48          PHA                   ; from here onwards it's not relevant to the decompression...
$00/B7C2 8A          TXA                   ; take x buffer
$00/B7C3 38          SEC                   
$00/B7C4 E5 F9       SBC $F9    [$00:00F9] ; subtract pointer value.
$00/B7C6 18          CLC                   
$00/B7C7 65 FB       ADC $FB    [$00:00FB] ; add length

$00/B7C9 CF 00 D0 7F CMP $7FD000[$7F:D000] ; wtf another one of these useless stuff
$00/B7CD F0 01       BEQ $01    [$B7D0]    
$00/B7CF EA          NOP                   

$00/B7D0 68          PLA                   ; pop the copy of count.
$00/B7D1 E2 20       SEP #$20              
$00/B7D3 F0 37       BEQ $37    [$B80C]    ; if count is 0 goto the 0c

$00/B7D5 10 01       BPL $01    [$B7D8]    ; another one?
$00/B7D7 EA          NOP
$00/B7D8 F4 06 7F    PEA $7F06  [$7F:7F06] ; same code as above
$00/B7DB AB          PLB                   
$00/B7DC 08          PHP                   
$00/B7DD 20 87 81    JSR $8187  [$00:8187] 

$00/B7E0 28          PLP                   
$00/B7E1 AB          PLB                   
$00/B7E2 C6 FE       DEC $FE    [$00:00FE] ; decrease bit-tested value
$00/B7E4 D0 93       BNE $93    [$B779]    ; if it's not 0 goto Bit-test control byte code.
$00/B7E6 4C 5D B7    JMP $B75D  [$7F:B75D] ; else goto the top

; case 0 on the code byte.
$00/B7E9 B7 F6       LDA [$F6],y[$1C:9CA5] ; read next byte
$00/B7EB 9D 00 00    STA $0000,x[$7F:0000] ; store into the gfx buffer
$00/B7EE E8          INX                    
$00/B7EF C8          INY                   
$00/B7F0 D0 05       BNE $05    [$B7F7]    ; if address is 0, switch to next bank

$00/B7F2 A0 00 80    LDY #$8000            ; "switch to next bank code"
$00/B7F5 E6 F8       INC $F8    [$00:00F8] 

$00/B7F7 C2 20       REP #$20              ;
$00/B7F9 C6 FB       DEC $FB    [$00:00FB] ; decrease count
$00/B7FB E2 20       SEP #$20              
$00/B7FD F0 0D       BEQ $0D    [$B80C]    ; if count is 0 ...jump to bottom, ie exit

$00/B7FF 10 01       BPL $01    [$B802]    ; if count is 1xxx xxxx... NOP? wtf?
$00/B801 EA          NOP

$00/B802 C6 FE       DEC $FE    [$00:00FE] ; decrease the bit-test value
$00/B804 F0 03       BEQ $03    [$B809]    ; if $FE is not zero goto the bit-test control byte code
$00/B806 4C 79 B7    JMP $B779  [$7F:B779] ;    $FE is     zero go back to the beginning, new control byte is needed.
$00/B809 4C 5D B7    JMP $B75D  [$7F:B75D] ; 

$00/B80C AB          PLB                   ;
$00/B80D E0 01 80    CPX #$8001            ; if write buffer position passes 7F8000 mark...
$00/B810 B0 FE       BCS $FE    [$B810]    ;    --- infinite loop? (or wait for something?)
$00/B812 86 F9       STX $F9    [$00:00F9] ; write buffer position value to $F9
$00/B814 64 F5       STZ $F5    [$00:00F5] ; write 0 to $F5?
$00/B816 4C 5A 81    JMP $815A  [$06:815A] ; jump to other code.... exit routine.


$00/8187 E2 20       SEP #$20                A:0A00 X:0000 Y:9CA4 P:envmxdIzc
$00/8189 2C CE 09    BIT $09CE  [$06:09CE]   A:0A00 X:0000 Y:9CA4 P:envMxdIzc
$00/818C 30 01       BMI $01    [$818F]      A:0A00 X:0000 Y:9CA4 P:envMxdIZc
$00/818E 60          RTS                     A:0A00 X:0000 Y:9CA4 P:envMxdIZc

$00/818F DA          PHX                     A:0827 X:01D9 Y:9E1D P:eNVMxdIzc
$00/8190 5A          PHY                     A:0827 X:01D9 Y:9E1D P:eNVMxdIzc
$00/8191 08          PHP                     A:0827 X:01D9 Y:9E1D P:eNVMxdIzc
$00/8192 C2 20       REP #$20                A:0827 X:01D9 Y:9E1D P:eNVMxdIzc
$00/8194 E2 10       SEP #$10                A:0827 X:01D9 Y:9E1D P:eNVmxdIzc
$00/8196 A6 A0       LDX $A0    [$00:00A0]   A:0827 X:00D9 Y:001D P:eNVmXdIzc
$00/8198 A9 02 01    LDA #$0102              A:0827 X:0060 Y:001D P:enVmXdIzc
$00/819B 95 30       STA $30,x  [$00:0090]   A:0102 X:0060 Y:001D P:enVmXdIzc
$00/819D 3B          TSC                     A:0102 X:0060 Y:001D P:enVmXdIzc
$00/819E 95 34       STA $34,x  [$00:0094]   A:02B5 X:0060 Y:001D P:enVmXdIzc
$00/81A0 4C FB 80    JMP $80FB  [$06:80FB]   A:02B5 X:0060 Y:001D P:enVmXdIzc
$00/8117 D6 31       DEC $31,x  [$00:0031]   A:0202 X:0000 Y:001D P:enVMXdIZC
$00/8119 F0 30       BEQ $30    [$814B]      A:0202 X:0000 Y:001D P:enVMXdIZC
$00/814B 86 A0       STX $A0    [$00:00A0]   A:0202 X:0000 Y:001D P:enVMXdIZC
$00/814D A9 03       LDA #$03                A:0202 X:0000 Y:001D P:enVMXdIZC
$00/814F 95 30       STA $30,x  [$00:0030]   A:0203 X:0000 Y:001D P:enVMXdIzC
$00/8151 C2 30       REP #$30                A:0203 X:0000 Y:001D P:enVMXdIzC
$00/8153 B5 34       LDA $34,x  [$00:0034]   A:0203 X:0000 Y:001D P:enVmxdIzC
$00/8155 1B          TCS                     A:0138 X:0000 Y:001D P:enVmxdIzC
$00/8156 28          PLP                     A:0138 X:0000 Y:001D P:enVmxdIzC
$00/8157 7A          PLY                     A:0138 X:0000 Y:001D P:envmXdIZc
$00/8158 FA          PLX                     A:0138 X:0000 Y:0001 P:envmXdIzc
$00/8159 60          RTS                     A:0138 X:0000 Y:0001 P:envmXdIZc

; other code.... not relevant to gfx.

$00/815A E2 30       SEP #$30                A:0000 X:0A00 Y:A307 P:eNvMxdIzc
$00/815C A6 A0       LDX $A0    [$00:00A0]   A:0000 X:0000 Y:0007 P:eNvMXdIzc
$00/815E 74 30       STZ $30,x  [$00:0090]   A:0000 X:0060 Y:0007 P:envMXdIzc
$00/8160 80 B9       BRA $B9    [$811B]      A:0000 X:0060 Y:0007 P:envMXdIzc
$00/8128 9C CE 09    STZ $09CE  [$06:09CE]   A:0070 X:0070 Y:0007 P:envMXdIZC
$00/812B 4C FB 80    JMP $80FB  [$06:80FB]   A:0070 X:0070 Y:0007 P:envMXdIZC

Documented By Euclid January 31st, 2006