Romancing Saga 2


Offset Description
43E52 Audio / SPC Pointers
44077 Audio / Sample Indexes

Elite Dialog Routine

;; Store 0x40 zeroes to $7FA492 (clear out the memory we need!)
$C0/CC2E: A2 00 00     LDX #$0000                ;; load X from $0000 (start count at zero)
$C0/CC31: C2 20        REP #$20                  ;; set to 16 bit accumulator mode
$C0/CC33: 9E 92 A4     STZ $A492,X [$7F:A492]    ;; store zero to memory
$C0/CC36: E8           INX                       ;; increment X
$C0/CC37: E8           INX                       ;; increment X (increment the count by 2)
$C0/CC38: E0 40 00     CPX #$0040                ;; compare x with $0040
$C0/CC3B: D0 F6        BNE $F6 [$CC33]           ;; branch to $CC33 if result is not equal ($F6 is a relative address)
                                                 ;; (stop when count hits 0x40)

$C0/CC3D: E2 20        SEP #$20                  ;; set to 8 bit accumulator mode
$C0/CC3F: A6 B4        LDX $B4 [$00:13B4]        ;; Load X from $B4 (since X is the offset of where it reads...
                                                 ;; so too must be $B4, therefore its used to tell what letter to load)
$C0/CC41: A0 00 00     LDY #$0000                ;; set Y to #$0000

$C0/CC44: BF 00 00 D4  LDA $D40000,X [$D4:0370]  ;; load accumulator from $D40000+X (read the left half)
$C0/CC48: EB           XBA                       ;; swap low and high bytes of accumulator
$C0/CC49: BF 08 00 D4  LDA $D40008,X [$D4:0378]  ;; load accumulator from $D40008+X (read the right half)

$C0/CC4D: C2 20        REP #$20                  ;; set to 16 bit accumulator mode
$C0/CC4F: 85 B1        STA $B1 [$00:13B1]        ;; store accumulator to $B1 (make a copy of what we just read)
$C0/CC51: 4A           LSR A                     ;; shift bits in accumulator 'A' right by 1
                                                 ;; (also has the effect of dividing the number by 2)

;; store A to memory (lower plane)
$C0/CC52: E2 20        SEP #$20                  ;; set to 8 bit accumulator mode
$C0/CC54: 99 B4 A4     STA $A4B4,Y [$7F:A4B4]    ;; store A to $7FA4B4 (its just memory) (store low byte of A)
$C0/CC57: EB           XBA                       ;; swap low and high bytes of accumulator
$C0/CC58: 99 94 A4     STA $A494,Y [$7F:A494]    ;; store A to $7FA594 (store what used to be the high byte of A)
$C0/CC5B: EB           XBA                       ;; swap low and high bytes of accumulator (back to normal)

;; this "adds" the original bits to the shifted set of bits
;; most likely this adds a shadow effect
$C0/CC5C: C2 20        REP #$20                  ;; set to 16 bit accumulator mode
$C0/CC5E: 05 B1        ORA $B1 [$00:13B1]        ;; OR accumulator with memory at $B1
$C0/CC60: 4A           LSR A                     ;; Shift Right accumulator/memory..(divide A by 2)
$C0/CC61: 05 B1        ORA $B1 [$00:13B1]        ;; OR accumulator with memory at $B1

;; again, store A to memory (upper plane)
$C0/CC63: E2 20        SEP #$20                  ;; set to 8 bit accumulator mode
$C0/CC65: 99 B5 A4     STA $A4B5,Y [$7F:A4B5]    ;; store Y to $A4B5
$C0/CC68: EB           XBA                       ;; exchange a & b
$C0/CC69: 99 95 A4     STA $A495,Y [$7F:A495]    ;; store Y to $A4B5

$C0/CC6C: C8           INY                       ;; y++
$C0/CC6D: C8           INY                       ;; y++ (add 2 to y to go to next row, because each line is 2 bytes..1 per plane)
$C0/CC6E: E8           INX                       ;; x++ (increment the reading position)
$C0/CC6F: C0 10 00     CPY #$0010                ;; compare Y with $0010 (the tile is 0x10 bytes)
$C0/CC72: D0 0A        BNE $0A [$CC7E]           ;; branch to $cc7e if Y <> 0x10 (loop back if all bytes haven't been copied)

;; if Y = 0x10 then (if its got through the first row of tiles)
;; X = X + 0x78 (move reading position to next row)
$C0/CC74: C2 20        REP #$20                  ;; set to 16 bit accumulator mode
$C0/CC76: 8A           TXA                       ;; transfer X to accumulator
$C0/CC77: 18           CLC                       ;; Clear the carry flag (always done with addition)
$C0/CC78: 69 78 00     ADC #$0078                ;; Add with carry: A = A + 0x0078 (A is being used as a temp variable)
$C0/CC7B: AA           TAX                       ;; transfer accumulator to X
$C0/CC7C: E2 20        SEP #$20                  ;; set to 8 bit accumulator mode

$C0/CC7E: C0 1E 00     CPY #$001E                ;; Compare Y with #$001E (check if the entire letter is done)
$C0/CC81: D0 C1        BNE $C1 [$CC44]           ;; branch to $CC44 if Y <> 0x1E (go back to top of loop if not)

;; if Y = 0x1E then (if the letter was completely copied)
$C0/CC83: A2 00 00     LDX #$0000                ;; Load X from #$0000
$C0/CC86: A0 00 00     LDY #$0000                ;; Load Y from #$0000

;; copy the higher plane onto the lower plane (this just changes the color)
$C0/CC89: BD 94 A4     LDA $A494,X [$7F:A494]    ;; Load A from $7FA494+X
$C0/CC8C: 19 93 A4     ORA $A493,Y [$7F:A493]    ;; OR A with $7FA493+Y
$C0/CC8F: 99 93 A4     STA $A493,Y [$7F:A493]    ;; Store A to $A493+Y
$C0/CC92: BD 94 A4     LDA $A494,X [$7F:A494]    ;; Load A from $7FA494+X
$C0/CC95: 19 97 A4     ORA $A497,Y [$7F:A497]    ;; OR A with $7FA497+Y
$C0/CC98: 99 97 A4     STA $A497,Y [$7F:A497]    ;; Store A to $7FA497+Y
$C0/CC9B: E8           INX                       ;; x++
$C0/CC9C: E8           INX                       ;; x++
$C0/CC9D: C8           INY                       ;; y++
$C0/CC9E: C8           INY                       ;; y++
$C0/CC9F: E0 3A 00     CPX #$003A                ;; compare X with #$003A
$C0/CCA2: D0 E5        BNE $E5 [$CC89]           ;; branch to $CC89 if X <> 0x3A (go back to top of loop)

;; we're done!
$C0/CCA4: 60           RTS                       ;; return from subroutine (end of routine)



ASM log:
$C4/026B BF 52 3E C4 LDA $C43E52,x[$C4:3E82] SPC Code
$C4/026F 85 14       STA $14    [$00:1C14]   "   "
$C4/0271 BF 53 3E C4 LDA $C43E53,x[$C4:3E83] "   "
$C4/0275 85 15       STA $15    [$00:1C15]   "   "
$C4/0277 BF 54 3E C4 LDA $C43E54,x[$C4:3E84] "   "
$C4/027B 85 16       STA $16    [$00:1C16]   "   "

SPC Pointers

Pointer Address Description / Song
2D2EC7 72E2D Silence
532EC7 72E53 The Legend Begins
5D30C7 7305D Rest Theme
0931C7 73109 Village 1
8832C7 73288 Wiped Out
8E34C7 7348E Song of Everlasting Battles
5336C7 73653 Dungeon 1
1C3DC7 73D1C Mermaid Legend
0F3FC7 73F0F Another Country's Town
9642C7 74296 Dungeon 3
A247C7 747A2 The Sinking Ship
154DC7 74D15 Last Dungeon
D652C7 752D6 Heartful Tears
5B57C7 7575B Prologue (part 4)
FB60C7 760FB Voyage
BF63C7 763BF Victory
AD67C7 767AD Title
AC70C7 770AC Wind?
D871C7 771D8 Dungeon 2
1D74C7 7741D Strangeness ~ Victor's Death
CF77C7 777CF Prologue (part 1)
547CC7 77C54 Canal Fortress
D984C7 784D9 Prologue (part 3)
C586C7 786C5 Unknown 1
5189C7 78951 Weird...
078CC7 78C07 Village 2
1D90C7 7901D Empire's Front Line
A197C7 797A1 Empire City Avalon
C19BC7 79BC1 Jingle
0C9DC7 79D0C Ancient Ruins
709FC7 79F70 Unknown 2
96A0C7 7A096 Unknown 3
0AA1C7 7A10A Run!
DDA3C7 7A3DD Battle with Kujinshi
A2ACC7 7ACA2 Unknown 4
62ADC7 7AD62 The Last Battle
48B6C7 7B648 The Legend Begins (Short)
11B8C7 7B811 Dance 1
2D2EC7 72E2D Silence
08BAC7 7BA08 Dance 3
BCBCC7 7BCBC The Dragon's Hole
08C0C7 7C008 The Seven Heros' Battle
CBC2C7 7C2CB Dance 4
EEC4C7 7C4EE The Last Battle
70CFC7 7CF70 Prologue (part 5)
F5D1C7 7D1F5 Unknown 5
4CD3C7 7D34C Prologue (part 2)
21D7C7 7D721 Epilogue
1ADAC7 7DA1A Successive Emperor
2D2EC7 72E2D Silence
5DDDC7 7DD5D Ending Theme

Dialog RoutineCoded by LordTech of Wakdhacks.
SPC information described by JCE3000GT.