SA-1 Write Registers

Register Address Name Notes
SA-1 CPU Control $2200 CCNT
Super Nintendo CPU INT Enable $2201 SIE
Super Nintendo CPU INT Clear $2202 SIC
SA-1 CPU Reset Vector $2203 CRVL \ Bits 0-7
SA-1 CPU Reset Vector $2204 CRVH / Bits 8-15
SA-1 CPU NMI Vector $2205 CNVL \ Bits 0-7
SA-1 CPU NMI Vector $2206 CNVH / Bits 8-15
SA-1 CPU IRQ Vector $2207 CIVL \ Bits 0-7
SA-1 CPU IRQ Vector $2208 CIVH / Bits 8-15
Super Nintendo CPU Control $2209 SCNT
SA-1 CPU INT Enable $220A CIE
SA-1 CPU INT Clear $220B CIC
Super Nintendo CPU NMI Vector $220C SNVL \ Bits 0-7
Super Nintendo CPU NMI Vector $220D SNVH / Bits 8-15
Super Nintendo CPU IRQ Vector $220E SIVL \ Bits 0-7
Super Nintendo CPU IRQ Vector $220F SIVH / Bits 8-15
H/V Timer Control $2210 TMC
SA-1 CPU Timer Restart $2211 CTR
Set H-Count $2212 HCNTL \ Bits 0-7
Set H-Count $2213 HCNTH / Bits 8-15 (Only Bit 8 used)
Set V-Count $2214 VCNTL \ Bits 0-7
Set V-Count $2215 VCNTH / Bits 8-15 (Only Bit 8 used)
Set Super MMC Bank C $2220 CXB
Set Super MMC Bank D $2221 DXB
Set Super MMC Bank E $2222 EXB
Set Super MMC Bank F $2223 FXB
Super Nintendo CPU BW-RAM Address Mapping $2224 BMAPS
SA-1 CPU BW-RAM Address Mapping $2225 BMAP
Super Nintendo CPU BW-RAM Write Enable $2226 SBWE
SA-1 CPU BW-RAM Write Enable $2227 CBWE
BW-RAM Write-Protected Area $2228 BWPA
SA-1 I-RAM Write Protection $2229 SIWP \ S-CPU Controlled
SA-1 I-RAM Write Protection $222A CIWP / SA-1 Controlled
DMA Control $2230 DCNT
Character Conversion DMA Parameters $2231 CDMA
DMA Source Device Start Address $2232 SDAL \ Bits 0-7
DMA Source Device Start Address $2233 SDAH ! Bits 8-15
DMA Source Device Start Address $2234 SDAB / Bits 16-23
DMA Destination Start Address $2235 DDAL \ Bits 0-7
DMA Destination Start Address $2236 DDAH ! Bits 8-15
DMA Destination Start Address $2237 DDAB / Bits 16-23
DMA Terminal Counter $2238 DTCL \ Bits 0-7
DMA Terminal Counter $2239 DTCH / Bits 8-15
BIT MAP Register File $2240 BRF0 \ File 0
BIT MAP Register File $2241 BRF1 ! File 1
BIT MAP Register File $2242 BRF2 ! File 2
BIT MAP Register File $2243 BRF3 ! File 3
BIT MAP Register File $2244 BRF4 ! File 4
BIT MAP Register File $2245 BRF5 ! File 5
BIT MAP Register File $2246 BRF6 ! File 6
BIT MAP Register File $2247 BRF7 ! File 7
BIT MAP Register File $2248 BRF8 ! File 8
BIT MAP Register File $2249 BRF9 ! File 9
BIT MAP Register File $224A BRFA ! File A
BIT MAP Register File $224B BRFB ! File B
BIT MAP Register File $224C BRFC ! File C
BIT MAP Register File $224D BRFD ! File D
BIT MAP Register File $224E BRFE ! File E
BIT MAP Register File $224F BRFF / File F
Arithmetic Control $2250 MCNT
Arithmetic Parameters: Multiplicand / Dividend $2251 MAL \ Bits 0-7
Arithmetic Parameters: Multiplicand / Dividend $2252 MAH / Bits 8-15
Arithmetic Parameters: Multiplier / Divisor $2253 MBL \ Bits 0-7
Arithmetic Parameters: Multiplier / Divisor $2254 MBH / Bits 8-15
Variable-Length BIT Processing $2258 VBD
Variable-Length BIT Game Pack ROM Start Address $2259 VDAL \ Bits 0-7
Variable-Length BIT Game Pack ROM Start Address $225A VDAH ! Bits 8-15
Variable-Length BIT Game Pack ROM Start Address $225B VDAB / Bits 16-23

SA-1 Read Registers

Register Address Name Notes
Super Nintendo CPU Flag Read $2300 SFR
SA-1 CPU Flag Read $2301 CFR
H-Count Read $2302 HCRL
H-Count Read $2303 HCRH
V-Count Read $2304 VCRL
V-Count Read $2305 VCRH
Arithmetic Result [Product / Quotient / Accumulative Sum] $2306 MR1 \ Bits 0-7
Arithmetic Result [Product / Quotient / Accumulative Sum] $2307 MR2 ! Bits 8-15
Arithmetic Result [Product / Quotient / Accumulative Sum] $2308 MR3 ! Bits 16-23
Arithmetic Result [Product / Quotient / Accumulative Sum] $2309 MR4 ! Bits 24-31
Arithmetic Result [Product / Quotient / Accumulative Sum] $230A MR5 / Bits 32-39
Arithmetic Overflow Flag $230B OF
Variable-Length Data Read Port $230C VDPL \ Bits 0-7
Variable-Length Data Read Port $230D VDPH / Bits 8-15
Version Code Register $230E VC

SA-1 Register Explanations

Register format(#$xx, write, read) xx = initial value (or xx for not specified)

W = SA-1 write
w = SNES write
X = Both
x = Neither

R = SA-1 Read
r = SNES Read
X = Both
x = Neither

SA-1 Write Registers

SA-1 CPU Control

$2200 (#$20, w, x)
        I = SA-1 IRQ
            0 = No Interrupt
            1 = Interrupt
        R = SA-1 Ready
            0 = Ready
            1 = Wait
        r = SA-1 reset
            0 = Cancel
            1 = Reset
        N = SA-1 NMI
            0 = No Interrupt
            1 = Interrupt
        mmmm = Messages from SNES CPU

Super Nintendo CPU INT Enable

$2201 (#$00, w, x)
        I = Enable/Disable IRQ from SA-1
            0 = Disable
            1 = Enable
        C = Enable/Disable character conversion DMA IRQ
            0 = Disable
            1 = Enable

Super Nintendo CPU INT Clear

$2202 (#$00, w, x)
        I = clear IRQ from SA-1
            0 = No change
            1 = Change
        C = clear character conversion DMA IRQ
            0 = No change
            1 = Clear

SA-1 CPU Reset Vector

$2204 (#$xxxx, w, x)
        aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa
        a = SA-1 reset vector address(in bank $00)

SA-1 CPU NMI Vector

$2206 (#$xxxx, w, x)
        aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa
        a = SA-1 NMI vector address(in bank $00)

SA-1 CPU IRQ Vector

$2208 (#$xxxx, w, x)
        aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa
        a = SA-1 IRQ vector address(in bank $00)

Super Nintendo CPU Control

$2209 (#$00, W, x)
        I = SNES IRQ
            0 = No interrupt
            1 = Interrupt
        S = IRQ vector select
            0 = ROM
            1 = SNES IRQ register($220E)
        N = NMI vector select
            0 = ROM
            1 = SNES NMI register($220C)
        mmmm = Message from SA-1

SA-1 CPU INT Enable

$220A (#$00, W, x)
        I = Switch IRQ control from SNES to SA-1
            0 = Disable
            1 = Enable
        T = Switch IRQ control from timer to SA-1
            0 = Disable
            1 = Enable
        D = Switch IRQ control to SA-1 after SA-1 DMA
            0 = Disable
            1 = Enable
        N = Switch NMI control from SNES to SA-1
            0 = Disable
            1 = Enable

SA-1 CPU INT Clear

$220B (#$00, W, x)
        I = Switch IRQ clear from SNES to SA-1
            0 = Disable
            1 = Enable
        T = Switch IRQ clear from timer to SA-1
            0 = Disable
            1 = Enable
        D = Switch IRQ clear to SA-1 after SA-1 DMA
            0 = Disable
            1 = Enable
        N = Switch NMI clear from SNES to SA-1
            0 = Disable
            1 = Enable

Super Nintendo CPU NMI Vector

$220D (#$xxxx, W, x)
        aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa
        a = SNES NMI vector address(in bank $00)

Super Nintendo CPU IRQ Vector

$220F (#$xxxx, W, x)
        aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa
        a = SNES IRQ vector address(in bank $00)

H/V Timer Control

$2210 (#$00, W, x)
        T = Timer type
            0 = HV Timer
            1 = Linear timer
        V = Vertical count enable
            0 = Disable
            1 = Enable
        H = Horizontal count enable
            0 = Disable
            1 = Enable

SA-1 CPU Timer Restart

$2211 (#$xx, W, x)
        Simply writing to this register restarts the timer to zero.

Set H-Count

$2212 (#$xxxx, W, x)
        HHHHHHHH -------H
        In HV mode values are 0 to 340
        In linear mode values are 0 to 511(lower 9 bits)

Set V-Count

$2212 (#$xxxx, W, x)
        VVVVVVVV -------V
        In HV mode values are 0 to 261(NTSC) or 0 to 311(PAL)
        In linear mode values are 0 to 511(upper 9 bits)

Set Super MMC Bank C

$2220 (#$00, w, x)
        B = Bank CX projection
            1 = Bank data
            0 = Game pak ROM area
        AAA = ROM area select
When B is set, accessing an address in $00-1F:8000-FFFF will return (AAA << 20) | (addr & 0x0F7FFF).
If B is not set accessing an address in $00-1F:8000-FFFF will return  (addr & 0x0f7fff)
$C0-$CF:0000-FFFF will always return (AAA << 20) | (addr & 0x0FFFFF)
NOTE: I need to research this further, but this seems to prove accurate thus far.

Set Super MMC Bank D

$2221 (#$01, w, x)
        B = Bank DX projection
            1 = Bank data
            0 = Game pak ROM area
        AAA = ROM area select
When B is set, accessing an address in $20-3F:8000-FFFF will return (AAA << 20) | (addr & 0x0F7FFF).
If B is not set accessing an address in $20-3F:8000-FFFF will return  (addr & 0x2f7fff)
$D0-$DF:0000-FFFF will always return (AAA << 20) | (addr & 0x0FFFFF)
NOTE: I need to research this further, but this seems to prove accurate thus far.

Set Super MMC Bank E

$2222 (#$02, w, x)
        B = Bank EX projection
            1 = Bank data
            0 = Game pak ROM area
        AAA = ROM area select
When B is set, accessing an address in $80-9F:8000-FFFF will return (AAA << 20) | (addr & 0x0F7FFF).
If B is not set accessing an address in $80-9F:8000-FFFF will return  (addr & 0x4f7fff)
$E0-$EF:0000-FFFF will always return (AAA << 20) | (addr & 0x0FFFFF)
NOTE: I need to research this further, but this seems to prove accurate thus far.

Set Super MMC Bank F

$2223 (#$03, w, x)
        B = Bank FX projection
            1 = Bank data
            0 = Game pak ROM area
        AAA = ROM area select
When B is set, accessing an address in $A0-BF:8000-FFFF will return (AAA << 20) | (addr & 0x0F7FFF).
If B is not set accessing an address in $A0-BF:8000-FFFF will return  (addr & 0x6f7fff)
$F0-$FF:0000-FFFF will always return (AAA << 20) | (addr & 0x0FFFFF)
NOTE: I need to research this further, but this seems to prove accurate thus far.

Super Nintendo CPU BW-RAM Address Mapping

$2224 (#$00, w, x)
        B = Which portion of BW-RAM to map to $00-3F:$6000-$7FFF and $80-BF:$6000-$7FFF

SA-1 CPU BW-RAM Address Mapping

$2225 (#$00, W, x)
        S = BW-RAM source to be projected
            0 = $40-43 in 32 blocks(uses B0 to B4)
            1 = $60-6F in 128 blocks(uses B0 to B6)
        B = BW-RAM mapping for the SA-1(much like $2224)

Super Nintendo CPU BW-RAM Write Enable

$2226 (#$00, w, x)
        P = Protect BW-RAM from writes from the SNES
            0 = Protect
            1 = Write enabled

SA-1 CPU BW-RAM Write Enable

$2227 (#$00, w, x)
        P = Protect BW-RAM from writes from the SA-1
            0 = Protect
            1 = Write enabled

BW-RAM Write-Protected Area

$2228 (#$FF, w, x)
        AAAA = Area to protect
            0000 = Size of 400000 - 4000FF to protect, 1024*2^(AAAA+1)

SA-1 I-RAM Write Protection

$2229 (#$00, w, x)
        0 = Protects 3000 to 30FF
            0 = Disable protection
            1 = Enable protection
        1 = Protects 3100 to 31FF
            0 = Disable protection
            1 = Enable protection
        2 = Protects 3200 to 32FF
            0 = Disable protection
            1 = Enable protection
        3 = Protects 3300 to 33FF
            0 = Disable protection
            1 = Enable protection
        4 = Protects 3400 to 34FF
            0 = Disable protection
            1 = Enable protection
        5 = Protects 3500 to 35FF
            0 = Disable protection
            1 = Enable protection
        6 = Protects 3600 to 36FF
            0 = Disable protection
            1 = Enable protection
        7 = Protects 3700 to 37FF
            0 = Disable protection
            1 = Enable protection

SA-1 I-RAM Write Protection

$222A (#$00, W, x)
        0 = Protects 3000 to 30FF and 0000 to 00FF
            0 = Disable protection
            1 = Enable protection
        1 = Protects 3100 to 31FF and 0100 to 01FF
            0 = Disable protection
            1 = Enable protection
        2 = Protects 3200 to 32FF and 0200 to 02FF
            0 = Disable protection
            1 = Enable protection
        3 = Protects 3300 to 33FF and 0300 to 03FF
            0 = Disable protection
            1 = Enable protection
        4 = Protects 3400 to 34FF and 0400 to 04FF
            0 = Disable protection
            1 = Enable protection
        5 = Protects 3500 to 35FF and 0500 to 05FF
            0 = Disable protection
            1 = Enable protection
        6 = Protects 3600 to 36FF and 0600 to 06FF
            0 = Disable protection
            1 = Enable protection
        7 = Protects 3700 to 37FF and 0700 to 07FF
            0 = Disable protection
            1 = Enable protection

DMA Control

$2230 (#$00, W, x)
        C = DMA control
            0 = DMA disabled
            1 = DMA enabled
        P = Priority
            0 = SA-1 CPU
            1 = DMA
        M DMA mode
            0 = Normal DMA
            1 = Character conversion DMA
        T = Character conversion type
            0 = SA-1 CPU to I-RAM
            1 = BW-RAM to I-RAM
        D = Destination
            0 = I-RAM
            1 = BW-RAM
        SS = Source
            00 = ROM
            01 = BW-RAM
            10 = I-RAM

Character Conversion DMA Parameters

$2231 (#$00, X, x)
        E = End of conversion 1, set by SNES
        SSS = VRAM horizontal character size 2^SSS
        CC = color mode
            00 = 8 Bit/Dot
            01 = 4 Bit/Dot
            10 = 2 Bit/Dot

DMA Source Device Start Address

$2234 (#$xx, X, x)
        A = Source start address
Write in order low, middle, then high

DMA Destination Start Address

$2237 (#$xx, X, x)
        A = Destination start address
Writing to $2236 will initalize I-RAM DMA
Writing to $2237 will initalize BW-RAM DMA
Write in order low, middle, then high

DMA Terminal Counter

$2239 (#$xx, W, x)
        C = Counter for number of bytes to transmit (0 to 65535)


$223F (#$00, W, x)
        C = color mode
            0 = 16 color mode
            1 = 4 color mode

BIT MAP Register File

$224F (#$xx, W, x)
        $2240-2247 = Buffer 1
        $2248-224F = Buffer 2

Arithmetic Control

$2250 (#$00, W, x)
    O = operation
        00 = Multiplication
        01 = Division
        10 = Cumulative sum

Arithmetic Parameters: Multiplicand / Dividend

$2252 (#$xx, W, x)
    N = Signed 16 bit data

Arithmetic Parameters: Multiplier / Divisor

$2254 (#$xx, W, x)
    N = 16 bit data
        N = Signed if multiplication
        N = Unsigned if division

Variable-Length BIT Processing

$2258 (#$xx, W, x)
        H = Read mode
            1 = Auto increment
            0 = Fixed
        VVVV = Length of previously stored data
            0000 = 16
            other values = Literal

Variable-Length BIT Game Pack ROM Start Address

$225B (#$xx, W, x)
        A = ROM start address
Execution begins on write to $225B

SA-1 Read Registers

Super Nintendo CPU Flag Read

$2300 (#$xx, x, r)
        I = SA-1 IRQ
            0 = No Interrupt
            1 = Interrupt
        V = SNES IRQ vector setting
            0 = ROM
            1 = SIV register
        D = Character conversion DMA IRQ flag
            0 = No Interrupt
            1 = Interrupt
        N = SNES NMI vector setting
            0 = ROM
            1 = SNV register
        mmmm = Messages from SA-1 CPU

SA-1 CPU Flag Read

$2301 (#$xx, x, R)
        I = SNES IRQ flag
            0 = No Interrupt
            1 = Interrupt
        T = IRQ from timer
            0 = No Interrupt
            1 = Interrupt
        D = DMA IRQ flag
            0 = No Interrupt
            1 = Interrupt at end of DMA
        N = SNES NMI vector setting
            0 = No NMI
            1 = NMI
        mmmm = Messages from SNES CPU

H-Count Read

$2303 (#$xx, x, R)
        HHHHHHHH -------H
        In HV mode values are 0 to 340
        In linear mode values are 0 to 511(lower 9 bits)

V-Count Read

$2305 (#$xx, x, R)
        HHHHHHHH -------H
        In HV mode values are 0 to 261(NTSC) or 0 to 311(PAL)
        In linear mode values are 0 to 511(upper 9 bits)

Arithmetic Result [Product / Quotient / Accumulative Sum]

$230A (#$xx, x, R)
        Multiplication = $2306-2309 signed
        Division = $2306-2307 signed
        Division remainder = $2308-2309 unsigned
        Cumulative sum = $2306-230A signed

Arithmetic Overflow Flag

$230B (#$xx, x, R)
        O = Overflow
            1 = Overflow
            0 = No Overflow

Variable-Length Data Read Port

$230D (#$xx, x, R)
        16 bit results from $2258

Version Code Register

        SA-1 Version.