Super Adventure Island / Takahashi Meijin no Daibōken Jima
Offsets refer to the US version of the ROM.
Level Format
Level Pointers
Offset 0x33F82
contains a table of pointers to level and cutscene headers. Each entry in the table is 4 bytes long: a 24-bit pointer followed by an additional byte which denotes the type of header (whether it is an actual level or one of the mode 7 cutscenes.)
There are (I think) a total of 60 entries:
entry 0 - opening scene (falling from sky)
entry 1 - level 1-1
entry 2 - level 1-1's midway point
entry 3 - level 1-2
Level Headers
The game stores 2 separate headers for each level - one for the start, and one for the midway point. The two headers are mostly identical except for the player start point (though theoretically you could abuse this to make the player start in a totally different area if they die past the level's midway point).
The byte following each pointer has these known bit values:
0x02 - get flown in by the bird
0x04 - skip level - weird. the game puts you at the level AFTER this one, with the correct sprites and numbering.
0x08 - normal level
0x80 - cutscene (using this for a normal level will just make the HUD and player vanish and you can't move or do anything)
Headers are 0x6A
(?) bytes long. The headers are pretty large and I hadn't bothered figuring out what each individual field does, but a bunch of them are probably pointers to graphics data etc.
Header Offset | Size | Description |
0x00 |
1 | Written to BG mode register and $0BFD Should almost always be 0x79 except for cutscenes. |
0x01 |
1 | Written to $0C97 |
0x02 |
2 | Written to $0C8D |
0x04 |
2 | Written to $0C8F |
0x06 |
2 | Written to $0C85 |
0x08 |
2 | Written to $0C87 |
0x0A |
2 | Written to $0C89 |
0x0C |
2 | Written to $0C8B |
0x0E |
2 | Written to $009A |
0x10 |
1 | Written to $0C83 |
0x11 |
2 | Pointer to HDMA Table? Written to $0D80 |
0x13 |
1 | Written to $0D82 |
0x14 |
2 | Written to $0DC0 Pointer to ??? |
0x16 |
1 | Written to $0DC2 |
0x17 |
2 | Written to $0310 Pointer to ??? |
0x19 |
1 | Written to $0312 |
0x1A |
2 | Written to $0313 |
0x1C |
1 | Written to $0315 |
0x1D |
2 | Written to $0C29 |
0x1F |
2 | Written to $0C2F |
0x21 |
1 | Width of Level (Screens) Written to $0C18 |
0x22 |
1 | Height of Level (Screens) Written to $0C19 and $0C2E |
0x23 |
1 | Bank Number for Map Pointers Written to $0C1C |
0x24 |
2 | Pointer to Screen Indices Written to $0C1D |
0x26 |
2 | Pointer to Screen 0 Data Written to $0C1F |
0x28 |
2 | Pointer to Metatiles (Different part?) Written to $0C21 |
0x2A |
2 | Pointer to Metatiles? Written to $0C23 |
0x2C |
2 | Pointer to Tile Properties Written to $0C25 |
0x2E |
2 | Written to $0C4A |
0x30 |
2 | Written to $0C50 |
0x32 |
1 | Written to $0C3B and $0C49 Value * 8 is Written to $0C3D - $0C3E |
0x33 |
1 | Written to $0C3C and $0C4F |
0x34 |
1 | Written to $0C3F |
0x35 |
2 | Written to $0C40 |
0x37 |
2 | Written to $0C42 |
0x39 |
2 | Written to $0C44 |
0x3B |
2 | Written to $0C46 |
0x3D |
2 | Written to $0C6B |
0x3F |
2 | Written to $0C71 |
0x41 |
1 | Written to $0C5C and $0C6A Value * 8 is written to $0C5E - $0C5F |
0x42 |
1 | Written to $0C5D and $0C70 |
0x43 |
1 | Written to $0C60 |
0x44 |
2 | Written to $0C61 |
0x46 |
2 | Written to $0C63 |
0x48 |
2 | Written to $0C65 |
0x4A |
2 | Written to $0C67 |
0x4C |
3 | Pointer to some Compressed Data written to $0050 |
0x4F |
3 | Pointer to some Compressed Data written to $0050 |
0x52 |
3 | Pointer to some Compressed Data written to $0050 |
0x55 |
3 | Pointer to some Compressed Data written to $0050 |
0x58 |
3 | Pointer to some Compressed Data written to $0050 |
0x5B |
3 | Pointer to some Compressed Data written to $0050 |
0x5E |
3 | Pointer To some Compressed Data written to $0050 |
The format from 0x1D
and up varies depending on if RAM address $0BFD
== $07
aka Cutscene vs. Normal Level. The values listed are for standard levels.
Level Screen Data
Each screen is made up of 32x32 tiles. Number of horizontal + vertical screens defined in header. Screen 0 is pointed to in the header, subsequent screens are immediately after one another. Each screen is made up of 16bit tile numbers representing each 32x32 tile.
Level Screen Indices
The order in which these screens make up the level is stored in this list (pointed to in header again.) This is made up of m*n bytes where the first 'n' make up the top row of the level, and the last 'n' do the same for the last half (for a total of m rows.) Level 1-1 takes place entirely on the bottom of the stage, so there are a bunch of 0s at the beginning for that stage (where screen 0 is totally blank.) You can use numbers more than once to make level geometry repeat itself if you're lazy.
Compressed Graphics
Offset 0x356C6
has pointers to compressed data for player animation frames.
Offset 0x323F5
has pointers to compressed data for ??? (other stuff).
The graphics use some kind of RLE-like compression scheme that uses bit shifting to determine how many times to write each byte of compressed data.
How a tile is decompressed:
- Load the current byte of compressed data.
- Let x = 0.
- Do a bit shift left.
- Each time the carry bit is set, set x to the next byte of the compressed data.
- Write x to current memory offset, increment memory offset by two.
Do steps 2-5 a total of eight times per tile.
Compressed: 80 FF
Decompressed: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
Compressed: 0F 01 02 03 04
Decompressed: 00 00 00 00 01 02 03 04
Compressed: CC FF 00 FF 00
Decompressed: FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00
Compressed: 00
Decompressed: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Compressed: FF 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Decompressed: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Decompression order at beginning of game, before showing title screen:
Even numbered bytes (00,02...) are loaded first, then odd numbered bytes are decompressed after.
07:8000 - 07:8054 -> 7F:2000
07:810D - 07:8165 -> 7F:2001
07:8055 - 07:80A6 -> 7F:2200
07:8166 - 07:81B1 -> 7F:2201
07:80A7 - 07:80DB -> 7F:2400
07:81B2 - 07:81DB -> 7F:2401
07:80DC - 07:810C -> 7F:2600
07:81DC - 07:8208 -> 7F:2601
7F:2000 - 7F:27FF are the first 4 horizontal rows of player sprite data in WRAM.
Then the next 4 rows are loaded. Player sprites span most of the used space in bank 7
Graphics decompression routine begins at ROM address 03:AB23
$42 - byte of graphics data
$43 - byte being read in
$44 - bytes remaning in this item
$46 - number of items remaining to decompress for this row
-- lda #$08
sta $44
stz $42
lda $0000, y ; ex: for loading sprites, y = $8000 and bank number = 7
sta $43
- asl $43 ; shift the byte left.
bcs + ; if this results in an overflow, jump ahead
lda $42 ; otherwise load the byte already at $42 and store it again.
bra ++
+ lda $0000, y ; on overflow: load the next byte, store it in $42
sta $42
++ sta $7F2000,x
dec $44
bne - ; if $44 is still positive,
dec $46
bne --
Level format, compression and graphic compression derived by Revenant. Started on 2011-03-06, last updated 2011-03-09, cleaned up on 2012-01-01.