Commented by Peekin - Feburary 22nd, 2001

; 65816 SNES Disassembler   v2.0a (C)opyright 1994 by John Corey
; Begin: $00E7A3  End: $00E852
; Hirom: Yes Quiet: Yes Comments: 2  DCB: Yes Symbols: Yes 65816: Yes
00E7A3 20 43 E8      JSR $E843      ; get next byte
00E7A6 C9 FF         CMP #$FF       ; end of compressed stream if code = 0FFh
00E7A8 D0 03         BNE $E7AD      ; continue if any other code
00E7AA E2 10         SEP #$10       ; Index (8 bit)
00E7AC 60            RTS            ; end of compression routine
; get code and length (code is upper 3 bits, length is lower 5)
00E7AD 85 CD         STA $CD        ; save byte
00E7AF 29 E0         AND #$E0       ; get code (upper 3 bits)
00E7B1 C9 E0         CMP #$E0       ; special code for longer run count
00E7B3 F0 0A         BEQ $E7BF     
00E7B5 48            PHA            ; save code
00E7B6 A5 CD         LDA $CD        ; retrieve byte
00E7B8 C2 20         REP #$20       ; Accum (16 bit)
00E7BA 29 1F 00      AND #$001F     ; mask byte to get length (lower 5 bits)
00E7BD 80 12         BRA $E7D1
; long run count
00E7BF A5 CD         LDA $CD        ; retrieve byte
00E7C1 0A            ASL            ; shift byte left 3 times for new code
00E7C2 0A            ASL      
00E7C3 0A            ASL      
00E7C4 29 E0         AND #$E0       ; get new code (upper 3 bits)
00E7C6 48            PHA            ; save code
00E7C7 A5 CD         LDA $CD        ; retrieve original byte
00E7C9 29 03         AND #$03       ; select lowest two bits for count
00E7CB EB            XBA            ; save count's two msb in AH (*256)
00E7CC 20 43 E8      JSR $E843      ; read next byte for a total 10bit count
00E7CF C2 20         REP #$20     	; Accum (16 bit)
; depending on if the code was E0, the count will either be 0-63 or 0-1023
00E7D1 1A            INC            ; count++
00E7D2 85 CB         STA $CB        ; store count
00E7D4 E2 20         SEP #$20       ; Accum (8 bit)
00E7D6 68            PLA            ; retrieve code
00E7D7 F0 16         BEQ $E7EF      ; transfer bytes from source
00E7D9 30 4A         BMI $E825      ; transfer bytes from output buffer
00E7DB 0A            ASL      
00E7DC 10 20         BPL $E7FE      ; repeat single byte
00E7DE 0A            ASL      
00E7DF 10 2A         BPL $E80B      ; repeat two alternating bytes
; repeat single incrementing byte??
00E7E1 20 43 E8      JSR $E843      ; read single byte
00E7E4 A6 CB         LDX $CB        ; load count
00E7E6 97 00         STA [$00],Y    ; write byte
00E7E8 1A            INC            ; increment byte value??
00E7E9 C8            INY            ; destination ptr++
00E7EA CA            DEX            ; count--
00E7EB D0 F9         BNE $E7E6      ; loop while count <> 0
00E7ED 80 B4         BRA $E7A3      ; go to top of loop for next code
; transfer bytes directly
00E7EF 20 43 E8      JSR $E843      ; read next byte to transfer
00E7F2 97 00         STA [$00],Y    ; write byte
00E7F4 C8            INY            ; destination ptr++
00E7F5 A6 CB         LDX $CB        ; reload count (since ReadByte changed it)
00E7F7 CA            DEX            ; count--
00E7F8 86 CB         STX $CB        ; store count
00E7FA D0 F3         BNE $E7EF      ; loop while count <> 0
00E7FC 80 A5         BRA $E7A3      ; go to top of loop for next code
; repeat single byte
00E7FE 20 43 E8      JSR $E843      ; read single byte to repeat
00E801 A6 CB         LDX $CB        ; load count
00E803 97 00         STA [$00],Y    ; write byte
00E805 C8            INY            ; destination ptr++
00E806 CA            DEX            ; count--
00E807 D0 FA         BNE $E803      ; loop while count <> 0
00E809 80 98         BRA $E7A3      ; go to top of loop for next code
; repeat run of alternating even/odd bytes
00E80B 20 43 E8      JSR $E843      ; read first byte
00E80E EB            XBA            ; save first byte into AH
00E80F 20 43 E8      JSR $E843      ; read second byte
00E812 A6 CB         LDX $CB        ; load count
00E814 EB            XBA            ; swap first byte with second
00E815 97 00         STA [$00],Y    ; write first byte
00E817 C8            INY            ; destination ptr++
00E818 CA            DEX            ; count--
00E819 F0 07         BEQ $E822      ; exit loop if count = 0
00E81B EB            XBA            ; swap first byte with second
00E81C 97 00         STA [$00],Y    ; write second byte
00E81E C8            INY            ; destination ptr++
00E81F CA            DEX            ; count--
00E820 D0 F2         BNE $E814      ; loop while count <> 0
00E822 4C A3 E7      JMP $E7A3      ; go to top of loop for next code
; copy run of bytes already in output buffer to end
00E825 20 43 E8      JSR $E843      ; read low byte ptr
00E828 EB            XBA      
00E829 20 43 E8      JSR $E843      ; read high byte ptr
00E82C EB            XBA      
00E82D AA            TAX            ; copy buffer source to X
00E82E 5A            PHY            ; save destination ptr
00E82F 9B            TXY            ; move buffer source to Y for indexing
00E830 B7 00         LDA [$00],Y    ; read existing buffer byte
00E832 BB            TYX            ; copy back to X, why??
00E833 7A            PLY            ; retrieve destination ptr
00E834 97 00         STA [$00],Y    ; write byte
00E836 C8            INY            ; destination ptr++
00E837 E8            INX            ; buffer source++
00E838 C2 20         REP #$20       ; Accum (16 bit)
00E83A C6 CB         DEC $CB        ; count--
00E83C E2 20         SEP #$20       ; Accum (8 bit)
00E83E D0 EE         BNE $E82E      ; loop while count <> 0
00E840 4C A3 E7      JMP $E7A3      ; go to top of loop for next code
; read next byte
00E843 A7 C8         LDA [$C8]      ; read single byte from ROM
00E845 A6 C8         LDX $C8        ; load source ptr
00E847 E8            INX            ; source ptr++
00E848 D0 05         BNE $E84F      ; if not beyond end of bank
00E84A A2 00 80      LDX #$8000     ; wrap source to beginning of next bank
00E84D E6 CA         INC $CA        ; increment to next source bank
00E84F 86 C8         STX $C8        ; store source ptr
00E851 60            RTS            ; end of read byte
00E852 FF FF FF FF   SBC $FFFFFF,X  ; those familiar separating FF's

Compression Codes

Code Address Description
000..... 00E7EF transfer bytes from source
transfer Count bytes after code to buffer
001..... 00E7FE repeat single byte
read next byte and repeat Count times
010..... 00E80B repeat two alternating bytes
read next two bytes and alternately repeat
011..... 00E7E1 repeat single incrementing byte
read next byte and repeat incrementing each time
111..... 00E7BF long count
bits 2-4 become 5-7 for the new code.
bottom 2 bits become top two bits of count.
read next byte for lower 8 bits of count +1.
1xx..... 00E825 transfer bytes from output buffer
read next two bytes for buffer source pointer (low/high)
11111111 00E7AA end of compressed stream


Transfer bytes from source

03 12 34 56 -> 12 34 56

Repeat single byte

23 12 -> 12 12 12

Repeat two alternating bytes

45 12 34 -> 12 34 12 34 12

Repeat single incrementing byte

63 12 -> 12 13 14

Long count (followed by source transfer of 302h bytes)

E3 01 12 34 56 .. -> 12 34 56 78 90 12 34 ...

Transfer byte from output buffer (starting at offset 4)

83 00 04 -> 90 12 34