A few games on Super Famicom supports Memory Pack and Satellaview content.
Derby Stallion 96
Check for Additional Content
Joushou Mahjong Tenpai
Memory Pack can be accessed through the 3rd menu from the top and left.
Check for Additional Content
Content must be at the start of Memory Pack, must be HiROM and 4M.
$A08100 (0x8100): Code Entrypoint Subroutine
RTL from that subroutine returns to the main menu.
Same Game Tsume Game
Check for Additional Content
SA-1 Games
SD Gundam G-NEXT
Check for Additional Content
Shigesato Itoi no Bass Fishing No. 1
The game checks for Memory Pack presence at boot. Access it through the Memory Pack option in the main menu.
Check for Additional Content
Program Type of content must be SA-1 type, and LoROM. Set the RESET vector for code entrypoint.
Creation Tools
RPG Tsukuru 2
RPG Data Format
Graphics Data Format
Sound Novel Tsukuru
Sound Novel Data Format
Ongaku Tsukuru Kanadeeru
Music Data Format
Converted Music Data Format
Converted music data are to be imported into RPG Tsukuru 2 and Sound Novel Tsukuru. They cannot be imported back into Ongaku Tsukuru.