This page contains the RAM Map of the BS-X.

 $7E00AC - BS-X Token Interpreter Current Address (24-bit)
 $7E0725 - Text Settings

 $7E13C5 - Error Number

 $7E1427 - Copy Type
 $7E1430 - Current Month
 $7E1431 - Current Day
 $7E1432 - Data Type
 $7E1433 - Seconds before timeout
 $7E1437 - Ticks before timeout

 $7E1C00:$7E1E20 - OAM Sprite Buffer
 $7E2000:$7E2200 - CGRAM Palette Buffer
 $7E2200:$7E4200 - 16x16 Background Cell Translate Table
 $7E4200:$7E4600 - Cell Properties (Solid / Priority List)
 $7E4600:$7E5E00 - BG1 Cell Map (64x48)
 $7E5E00:$7E7600 - BG2 Cell Map (64x48)

 $7E9906 - Copy Address List for Download.

 $7E99A6 - BS Game Header, used for checksum
 $7E99D6 - Memory Pack Vendor Info

 $7E9A20:$7E9A33 - $218B Packet Status Units Download
 $7E9A34:$7E9BEB - $218C Packet Data Download
 $7E9BEC:$7EA1B9 - Channel Map Data
 $7EA1B9:$7EA21C - Welcome Message Data
 $7EA21D:$7EA31D - BS-X Town Status (Validated Data)
 $7EA31D:$7EA41D - BS-X Town Status (Download)

 $7E9A20-$7E9A33 - $218B Download
 $7E9A34-$7E9BEB - $218C Download
 $7E9BEC - Server Identification

 $7EA1B9-$7EA21C - Message of the Day

 $7EA21D - ???
 $7EA21E - Current Main Data ID. (Changing it should update the data)
 $7EA21F - Current Schedule ID, should be equal to $7FC000.

 $7EA224 - Soundlink Check
 $7EA226 - NPCs and Other stuff
 $7EA227 - NPCs too
 $7EA228 - MORE NPCs
 $7EA229 - NPCs, again.
 $7EA22A - NPCs
 $7EA22B - NPCs
 $7EA22C - Items
 $7EA22D - NPCs, ???
 $7EA22E - Season and Fountain.

 $7EA234 - Number of Programs
 $7EA235 - Program IDs

 $7EA31D - Same as $7EA21D data, but is checked before being copied there.

 $7FC000 - Data to copy.


Everything seem to depend on bits.


It changes the text to italic, bold, stuff like that.

 =#$01: Reversed color
 =#$02: Bold
 =#$04: Italic
 =#$08: Underline


Data Types

 00 - Super Famicom Hour Data (Copy Type 05)
 01 - ??? (Copy Type 05)
 02 - Message of the Day (Copy Type 01)
 03 - Info (Copy Type 06)
 04 - Info (Copy Type 06)
 05 - Main Data (Copy Type 01)
 06 - ??? (Copy Type 01)
 07 - Data Copy (Copy Type 01)
 08 - ??? (Copy Type 01)
 09 - ??? (Copy Type 01)
 0A - ??? (Copy Type 01)
 0B - PSRAM Download (Copy Type 02)
 0C - ??? (Copy Type 00)
 0D - ???
 0E - Crash
 0F - ??? (Copy Type 02)
 10 - ??? (Copy Type 00)
 11 - ???
 12 - Direct Copy


It's a list of 5 address to where the download should be copied.

 Offset - Description (Everything is Little Endian)
 0x1 - Data Type
 0x2 - 24-bit Copy Address
 0x5 - 24-bit? Unknown
 0x8 - 16-bit Check for "Super Famicom Hour"
 0xA - 16-bit Check for "Super Famicom Hour"
 0xC - Month
 0xD - Day
 (Add 0x10 for another address)


 (Start Screen)
 00 - 7E9BEC - 105BB0 - 0124 - 0000 (SF Hour ID Copy)
 02 - 7EA1B9 - 105BB8 - 0101 - 0400 (MOTD)
 07 - 7FC000 - 105BBC - 0101 - 0700 (Copy)
 03 - 7EA31D - 105BC0 - 0101 - 0500 (Info)
 05 - 7FC000 - 105BC8 - 0101 - 0600 (Copy)

 04 - 7EA31D - 105BC4 - 0101 - 0500 (Info)
 02 - 7EA1B9 - 105BB8 - 0101 - 0400 (MOTD)
 07 - 7FC000 - 105BBC - 0101 - 0700 (Copy)
 03 - 7EA31D - 105BC0 - 0101 - 0500 (Info)
 05 - 7FC000 - 105BC8 - 0101 - 0600 (Copy)
 =#$00 : No Sound
 =#$10 : Sound only
 =#$20 : Half-Volume Music + Sound
 =#$30 : Full Volume Music + Sound
 =#$40 or 80 : Disable Soundlink

7EA226 - NPCs

 =#$01 : Makes a "Coconut" (やしのみ) to appear at the beach.
         (Once you take it, it will never appear again. And it doesn't go to the Inventory.)
 =#$02 : Dr. Hiroshi appears! (And sells some Sprint Shoes and Soap Shoes.)
 =#$04 : A Burglar appears. And he teleports himself, so getting to him, is not easy.
 =#$08 : Left Guard at the enterance of the Temple.
 =#$10 : Right Guard at the enterance of the Temple.
 =#$20 : A ghost!!
 =#$40 : SuperGeek? (Random superhero there)
 =#$80 : Some kind of old man near the Stadium.

7EA227 - NPCs

 =#$01 : Purple haired man at the beach.
 =#$02 : Someone near the Beach House.
 =#$04 : Weird guy at the plain at the left of the Temple.
 =#$08 : A guy near the Phone Cab.
 =#$10 : A man on a bike, singing.
 =#$20 : Some musician near the Temple.
 =#$40 : Very old man with a cane, that goes SUPER FAST.
 =#$80 : Blond guy near the Game Factory.

7EA228 - NPCs

 =#$01 : Someone at the right of the Celebrity House.
 =#$02 : Someone else just near the Celebrity House.
 =#$04 : A girl near the Burger Shop.
 =#$08 : Another girl (the same skin) near the Burger Shop.
 =#$10 : Long haired girl, NEAR THE BURGER SHOP.
 =#$20 : Another long haired girl, STILL NEAR THE BURGER SHOP.
 =#$40 : Woman at the front door the Girls School.
 =#$80 : Girl at the left of the front door of the Girls School.

7EA229 - NPCs

 =#$01 : Girl on a bike, singing.
 =#$02 : Girl at the left of the door of the Convenience Center.
 =#$04 : Girl near the Broadcast Station.
 =#$08 : Woman at the left of your house.
 =#$10 : Girl walking near the Calculator Bldg and Abacus Building.
 =#$20 : Woman walking near the left stair at the South.
 =#$40 : Someone who got arrested, near the Police Station.
 =#$80 : Woman at the right of the beach.

7EA22A - NPCs

 =#$01 : Girl in a kimono near the Police Station.
 =#$02 : Green haired woman sitting at the 1st bench, right to the Temple.
 =#$04 : Old woman near the Game Museum.
 =#$08 : Weird guy at the right of your house.
 =#$10 : Someone at the left of the Robot Tower.
 =#$20 : Little girl at the left of the stadium.
 =#$40 : Young woman just near the Game Museum.
 =#$80 : Dog at the plain at the left of the Temple.

7EA22B - NPCs

 =#$01 : Cat near your house.
 =#$02 : Duck at the right of the Temple.
 =#$04 : TV-shaped guy at the right of the door of the Robot Tower.
 =#$08 : Another TV-shaped guy but a with an antenna on it, left of the door of the Robot Tower.
 =#$10 : BLACK SCREEN!
 =#$20 : BLACK SCREEN!
 =#$40 : Big guy at the right bench, near the Temple.
 =#$80 : Can use tickets at the Fountain.

7EA22C - Items

 =#$01 : Can use tickets to the Train Station.
 =#$02 : ???
 =#$04 : "Name Frog" item you can get at the flowers left to the Robot Tower.
 =#$08 : "Frame Frog" item you can get at the middle road.
 =#$10 : "Color Frog" item you can get at the left of the temple.
 =#$20 : "Arrow Frog" item you can get at the middle road.
 =#$40 : Can use baits at the beach.
 =#$80 : A ship comes getting the boxes from Game Factory.

7EA22D - NPCs

 =#$01 : NPC Guy with a hat in the middle of the town. He gives you 500G.
 =#$02 : Same NPC, he gives you 1000G.
 =#$04 : Same NPC, 5000G.
 =#$08 : ???
 =#$10 : ???
 =#$20 : ???
 =#$40 : ???
 =#$80 : ???

7EA22E - Season and Main Fountain

 =#$0000 : That weird Yellow Fountain
 =#$0001 : Something with a gold apple on it.
 =#$0002 : Heart shaped red flowers with a letter on it.
 =#$0004 : Ancient people
 =#$0008 : Cherry Tree
 =#$0010 : Weird House? with an fish-like flag.
 =#$0020 : Leafs with Mushrooms and a snail.
 =#$0040 : Ball-shaped pig inhales a card from a tree.
 =#$0080 : Melons and a parasol.
 =#$0100 : Table, with a pyramid of balls, with a rabbit on front.
 =#$0200 : White and Red balls, some outside, some inside a basket with two country flags.
 =#$0400 : Red Maple leaf
 =#$0800 : Christmas tree (Interactive)
 =#$1000 : Spring
 =#$2000 : Summer
 =#$4000 : Fall
 =#$8000 : Winter

$7E4200:$7E4600 - Cell Properties (Solid / Priority List)

Each byte describes a different 16x16 cell (from 0x000 to 0x3FF).
 The byte is broken down to bits:
 P = Priority (Cell appears over the player)
 S = Solid, in this ordering of 8x8 tile:
      bit0: Top Left
      bit1: Bottom Left
      bit2: Top Right
      bit3: Bottom Right
      bit4: Diagonal